Customer Service Experience 2015: Looking Back and Charging Forward


As we approach the New Year, it is time to both reflect on 2014 and look ahead to what customer service trends are surfacing for 2015.

Over the past year, companies were forced to confront their approach to customer service as consumers became more empowered and less satisfied. In July, the Institute of Customer Service (ICS) released its latest results reporting that customer satisfaction levels had dropped for a third consecutive year. But why?Customers are changing. They’re either buying from you or buying from your competition, raving to friends on Facebook or writing negative reviews, and adding to or subtracting from your bottom line. Companies must now develop a thoughtful, seamless customer experience and leverage it to differentiate from their competitors.

How should brands react as consumers take the driver’s seat when it comes to brand perception? We’ve gather our favorite tips, trends and predictions to help you charge forward into 2015 and beyond.

  1. “Focus on your product first and it will alter your customer service department from an emergency response team to a customer relations team.”– Michael Corby, the AnswerDash blog
  2. “Customer reviews and feedback are going to be more effective than any marketing strategy.” – Infinit Contact
  3. “Data is your friend.” – Jodi Beuder, Business2Community
  4. “Focus even more on the customer by inspiring and training all company employees to "think customer" not silos.” – Kate Nasser, @KateNasser
  5. “Customer experience technologies will integrate with existing marketing technology.”– Ross Beard, Client Heartbeat
  6. “Monitor, respond, take action and engage with your customers. Never miss a #cx opportunity.” – Marsha Collier, @MarshaCollier
  7. “Collaboration will be the key to improving service.” – Nicole Fallon, Business News Daily
  8. “The Generation Y takeover.”– Chris Ward,
  9. “For 2015, invest in the soft­ware and hard­ware needed to keep up with con­sumer pref­er­ences for mobile access and social media.”– Judy Philbin, ImpactLearning
  10. “Trust your frontline employees.” – Alan See, @AlanSee

Have something to add to the list? Leave us a comment in the community section below!

Happy New Year!

- The AnswerDash team