The Two Psychological Reasons Customers Leave You

“We shape our tools and then our tools shape us.” 

-Marshall McLuhan

In today's digital world there are more channels of communication, more support options, and faster responses than ever before. There are many ways to serve consumers on the web from FAQs, help desks, live chat, and self-service options.

How do these support options make customers feel? What are the psychological impacts when people use them? How does this impact business decisions?

If support is seamlessly integrated and the experience is truly effortless, customers accomplish their goals and carry on with their lives. There is little impact on the customer unless the tools work poorly or are inefficient. When a customer collides with a service tool, they often feel frustrated and defeated. But why?

  1. People blame themselves

A frustrated user may ask "why can't I get this to work?" or "what is wrong with me?" When we cannot solve our own problems, we lose determination and confidence. It is imperative that companies select tools that are designed to work flawlessly and empower customers to help themselves.

  1. A shift towards self-sufficiency

The millennial generation is charging forward independently while creatively solving problems on their own time. This sense of confidence now applies to most customer demographics. In fact, 90% of consumers will check a website first before email or calling you. Companies need to help customers serve themselves in real time, without jumping hoops.

As customers become more empowered and relationships with brands more sensitive, companies have limited margin for error when attracting and retaining buyers. 82% of consumers in the US said they would stop doing business with a company due to a poor customer service experience.

AnswerDash provides contextual self-service for the web that psychologically empowers customers and propels them down the path of conversion.
